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-  About Us  -

Barnes Hide and Fur started 12 years ago as a hobby and the love of trapping and hunting. Trevor Barnes has been a hunter and a trapper for more than 40 years. In those 40 years Trevor learned by trial and error and asking a lot of questions learning how-to put-up fur. He would go to buyer after buyer, some were great to work with, while others left him feeling cheated and insulted. Barnes Hide and Fur was born out of necessity for a place to be fair and honest and convenient for hunters and trappers in Southern Michigan.

Trevor converted a small chicken coop (12x16) into a store to start buying fur. At first it was just fur, then slowly adding products for trappers to buy. It has since grown in leaps and bounds to an office building, full-line store (now on-line as well), full scrape room and many storage barns. With this has also led to the hiring of 6 year-round employees and several subcontracted scrapers. Growing through word of mouth Barnes Hide and Fur now travels all over, not only Michigan and the UP, but across the U.S. During the trapping season he travels all  over buying fur and in the warmer months traveling’s to shows and conventions.

Trevor takes pride in helping kids learn how to trap and take care of their fur properly. He believes that each animal taken has a purpose and every part needs to be utilized. Passing this on to the next generation will hopefully insure that the hunting and trapping sport is alive and healthy. Barnes Hide and Fur sponsors many hunts and community events, with $1,000.00’s of dollars and supplies donated each year.

The Barnes Hide and Fur Family stands behind our furs and goods with honesty and fair value. We hope you too become a part of the Barnes Hide and Fur Family.


-Thank you,

The Barnes Hide and Fur Team.

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